6 days ago
Beats for the Jeeps
WAAAAaahahahahaa !!
This was one of my favourite jams in the '95 !!! (when we where still rocking discmans and Lil' Kim was black !)... Everybody knows Wonderboy prefers the peen over the poon... but if i'd ever HAVE to marry... this would be my pick ! :-)
Hold up Wait a minuuuuuute... don't go there... cuz i ain't your Hoooooooooooo-oooo-oooo-ooooh !!! ahahaha
This was one of my favourite jams in the '95 !!! (when we where still rocking discmans and Lil' Kim was black !)... Everybody knows Wonderboy prefers the peen over the poon... but if i'd ever HAVE to marry... this would be my pick ! :-)
Hold up Wait a minuuuuuute... don't go there... cuz i ain't your Hoooooooooooo-oooo-oooo-ooooh !!! ahahaha
Beats for the Jeeps
Wonderboy’s tips for a fabulous life.. Fashion and lifestyle do’s and don’ts !
Whassup beyotches ! Posting has been a bit slow lately, cuz I had lots of shiat going on ! but now I’m back on track and postin’ like a maddafakka ! :) ahahahah ! (actually, my automobile broke down… so here I am, sitting in my car, live-blogging while waiting for road-assistance to come and save my ass !)
So… now that we have some more time… here it is… by popular demand…. the Wonderboy’s deca-log for a Wonderlife-style ! (part I)
Fashion do’s and don’ts
I particularly dislike mono-coloured-dressing people ! You have probably seen them once somewhere sometime … they’re these people wearing one-coloured clothes from head to toe… combining the white pants, with the white shirt, with the white shoes and the white belt… this is a big no-no… why the hell you wanna do that for ? Unless you want to look like a big ole boring mono-coloured-object (let’s say “a boat”, or a “bus” or a “used glass container”….) I don’t think that is the purpose… Always mix in some color… be fresh, be colorful ! P.S. You get extra annoyance-points for being dressed in all white, or all denim… that shit is NASTY and soooo nineties ! (see the spray-on-tanning-accident-dressed-in-all-white-looking-like-a-fool below)..
So… now that we have some more time… here it is… by popular demand…. the Wonderboy’s deca-log for a Wonderlife-style ! (part I)
Fashion do’s and don’ts
I particularly dislike mono-coloured-dressing people ! You have probably seen them once somewhere sometime … they’re these people wearing one-coloured clothes from head to toe… combining the white pants, with the white shirt, with the white shoes and the white belt… this is a big no-no… why the hell you wanna do that for ? Unless you want to look like a big ole boring mono-coloured-object (let’s say “a boat”, or a “bus” or a “used glass container”….) I don’t think that is the purpose… Always mix in some color… be fresh, be colorful ! P.S. You get extra annoyance-points for being dressed in all white, or all denim… that shit is NASTY and soooo nineties ! (see the spray-on-tanning-accident-dressed-in-all-white-looking-like-a-fool below)..

Meterological challenged dressers are the worst too !!! …. Uhuh… you know who I’m talking about… it’s 40°C hot outside and the fool is wearing a sweater or a jacket (most of the time to show of the brand)…These are the same type of people who be wearing flip-flops with jeans… that shit ain’t right ! If it’s hot, you wear shorts (with flip-flops) and if it’s cold, wear some jeans and sneakers… It ain’t that hard is it ??? No need to get everything mixed up, with this global warming and everythang, the weather is already f*cked up as it is ! Repeat offenders in this category are “The American teenager tourist” with their nasty toes in their nasty flip flops under their nasty jeans !, or the “Black Man in the club” wearing waaaay to much clothes and dying of over-heating…. shades in da club are not-done either... it ain't called a "night-club" for nothing dude... there's no sun, no need for shades... plus, when you don't see shyt... you don't know who you're talking to.... and trust me, waking up in the morning and realising the b*tch has no teefs is not a good way to start of your day ! *urgh*

The classics : if you are STILL wearing Sandals in the ’09, or wearing white tube socks…. Then you know there’s something wrong with yo’ ass… Unless you are blind, and have NOOOOO friends to tell you that shit is ugly, you are not supposed to do this shit ! I just don’t understand how some people still rock the “white socks under suits”-look… (even Albanians should have gotten the memo by now!) I shouldn’t even be telling you this again, now should I ? Additionally, if you are a man and you wear any type of foot-wear-material that shows your toes… than I am not your friend… (unless they are flip-flops in summer, see point 2). I do not, nor will I ever accept Crocs, Sandals, Shoes with holes, or anything similar… And if you are a guy wearing Birkenstocks, I’ll have to drop-kick your silly ass to hell… boy bye ! :-/

Tattoos…. Can turn ugly pretty quick too ! We’re in the 2009 and the nineties are NOT coming back so let’s get a couple of things straight !.... If you recently got (or considering to get)...
1. a barcode,
b. a tribal,
c. Chinese signs tattooed…
... I should punch you in the face !!! That stuff is so un-original and totally 5 minutes ago… You’re not supposed to have any of these unless you are
a. a product,
b. a tribal neo-zealandish aboriginal or
c. a Chinese warrior…
But in any of these cases, it would be highly unprobable that you would be reading this… And don't even get me started on these fools who get Brand-names and logos tattoo'ed... DIDNT ANYONE TELL YOU THAT THAT SHIT IS PERMANENT ?! Get your shit straight goddamned !

picture : www.youknowyoudeadazzwrong.com
And a last type of shit i hate is the "Gay Man in love" (and feeling an uncontrollable need to share…)... Well guess what beyotch.. I don’t give a flying fuck… Don’t you just hate that ? Whenever a gay guy (fiiiiiiinally) finds a boyfriend, they just turn into these Mother Theresa-moralising type of boring bitches…. They start talking in “we-s” in stead of in “I-s”… And whenever you happen to have a one night stand (cuz yes, we’ve got needs too!), they’re quick to let you know how disgusting “you single people” are… Ay caramba ! And to say they were probably the major dick-eating ones before getting ‘of the street’… Another highly annoying habit of the GMiL (gay man in love), is calling you to “ask how you are doing?” and before you even got to answer the question, they just blahblahblahblah hours away about their lovers… fool siddown, I got better things to do than to listen to that bullshit… and guess what… your boyfriend is UGLY...

Follow these five rules... and i'm sure we can be friends ! :)
In the mean time, if you have any other "Fashion trends that really piss you off"... hit the comment button... or hit me up at confessionsofawonderboy@yahoo.com or tweet my ass at www.twitter.com/WBConfessions :)
In the mean time, if you have any other "Fashion trends that really piss you off"... hit the comment button... or hit me up at confessionsofawonderboy@yahoo.com or tweet my ass at www.twitter.com/WBConfessions :)
Fashion Faux-pas of the week ! Teyana Taylor

The "i'm kinda famous for being useless"-girl Teyana Taylor was spotted at the Halloween II premiere in Hollywood this week... looking a certified HOT ASS MESS !!! (look at those toe-nails y'all !)

The guy on the tat looks like Polynesian mixed with Meth-face ! :-o
And why do their teeth look like Choco-Pops-cereal y'all ?
This is just to much ! ... i just hope who-ever got this tattoo, got a refund ! :-)
Tattoo's gone dead-wrong
Artist Spotlight : Miss Keri babbbbyyy !

I'm really starting to feel Miss Keri ! Her songs are fire most of the time and she's got a good voice too ! :) I particulary like Swag On, Knocks you down, Turning me off, and some of her featurings like the one she did on R. Kelly's - Number One... BUT !!! she needs to loose that horrible two-toned-dead-animal-hair she got on her head...
Miss Keri, i don't know who fooled you into believing that curly-ass-half-blond-ghetto-weave was the sh*t but that person needs to have his eyes checked !!!
I think she's a pretty girl, but i just can't get past that haiiiiiiiiir ! g*ddammmmn' !!!
I thought we weren't doing two-toned weaves anymore since Keyshia Cole "let it go" anno 2000 ?

Question ?

How come y'all is never commenting on any of the posts ?
Feeling shyyyyyyyy ? Come on everybody, let loose and lemme know what you think !
Hit the "Comment" button and tell us how ya really feel !!!
(if it doesnt work right-away, just re-hit the submit button and your comment will appear !)
WB !
It's all about US wednesdaaaays !

Some chi-chi ball action - for the feeeellas !!!
Courtesy of Durty Mo' at http://www.youknowyoudeadazzwrong.blogspot.com/
the funnyestest site on the web featuring nuthin' but party-induced foolywang-ness !
check it out y'all !

I don't even know where to start with this sh*t right here !
Ay Caramba ! ! ! ! White folks are just too creative for their own good sometimes !
what the h*ll is this !?!
I don't know what is most disturbing about this picture ?
1. that they actually OWN these kind of suits !? I mean like... can you buy this stuff at WalMart or sumthin ? :-o (y'all tell me, i live in Europe.. we normal over here...lol)
2. Why would anyone actually want to do this type a sh*t ????? (like, how does anyone - who is not a illusion-having drugaddict come up with this idea ?)
3. Why is that little girl pulling on her dad's penis !!! this is just soooo wrong ! That just screems incestuous hippie family to me !! (-> urgh, i hate that kind of folks...)
4. And couldn't dad at least "trim" that Amazionian bush-situation he's got going on under there, before posing for that horrible suit and feeling the need to share this foolishness with the world !?
You can be sure this little girls college-money is going straight to her therapists bank account later !!! Parenting-fail... or like DurtyMo would say... *i'm done*
Ay Caramba ! ! ! ! White folks are just too creative for their own good sometimes !
what the h*ll is this !?!
I don't know what is most disturbing about this picture ?
1. that they actually OWN these kind of suits !? I mean like... can you buy this stuff at WalMart or sumthin ? :-o (y'all tell me, i live in Europe.. we normal over here...lol)
2. Why would anyone actually want to do this type a sh*t ????? (like, how does anyone - who is not a illusion-having drugaddict come up with this idea ?)
3. Why is that little girl pulling on her dad's penis !!! this is just soooo wrong ! That just screems incestuous hippie family to me !! (-> urgh, i hate that kind of folks...)
4. And couldn't dad at least "trim" that Amazionian bush-situation he's got going on under there, before posing for that horrible suit and feeling the need to share this foolishness with the world !?
You can be sure this little girls college-money is going straight to her therapists bank account later !!! Parenting-fail... or like DurtyMo would say... *i'm done*
Panty Creamer of the Day !
ANDERSON COOPER *drool drool*
For Mr. Will B. ! (who, by the way, is a total panty-creamer-deluxe himself ! or as Nicki Minaj would say.. He's not a ref., but he can make my p*ssy whistle... ..hahaha*)
*...note to self... : that was gross dude !
and if you can't get enough of this silver fox : check out Michael K's Anderson-articles at dlisted.com

I used to stan for Kelis big time when she first came out ! (well, when her Milkshake was bringin boys to the yard at least)... but now i'm so over her... Whenever i see her on pics, she just looks like a color-matching-impaired, plump-plus-sized, hanging-around-the-block-all-day-doing-nothing, greedy-ass gold-digging baby-momma ! And no, that is NOT a good thing... Bye Kelis !
* P.S. all this being said, i think this bi$h couldn't care less.... with 50k a month in child support... who cares how fat you look... or what the world might think of yo' ass ?! riiiiiiiiight !?)
Cabo Verdean ASSSSSS !

Wowieee !
Kanye and Amber were spotted taking up some sun at Miami beach earlier this week....
Now ladies and gentlemen... this is some FIIIINE Cabo-Verdean ass for you ! (and yes, i gotta rep for my homeland ! :-p) ...
Kanye and Amber were spotted taking up some sun at Miami beach earlier this week....
Now ladies and gentlemen... this is some FIIIINE Cabo-Verdean ass for you ! (and yes, i gotta rep for my homeland ! :-p) ...
I'm not really feeling that thong though ! !! seems like she put it on sideways... or sumthin' !
Anywayyyyys... i have to say that "Kamber" is slowly beginning to grow on me ! I'm sure Kanye is pretty well aware of his nice marketing-tactics of boosting his image with this fly chick on his arm... cuz let's be honest... Kanye West is the most annoying, obnoxious person on da planet ! His endless rants, his CAPS ONLY POSTS ON HIS BLOG, his ego-bigger-than Aretha Franklin's chi-chi's, his boring-ass statements, his whining and complaining... urgh... he's such a beyotch !
But now with this chick on his arm, seems like he's less on my wonder-nerves getting lately...
I think she just gives him a bit more "like-ability"... and the fact of having a bish on his side that is way fly-er than him is probably toning down his ego a little as well !!! Go Kamber !!! Y'all can come and have tea at my place any time you want ! :-p
picture source : www.necolebitchie.com
I think she just gives him a bit more "like-ability"... and the fact of having a bish on his side that is way fly-er than him is probably toning down his ego a little as well !!! Go Kamber !!! Y'all can come and have tea at my place any time you want ! :-p
picture source : www.necolebitchie.com
Beats for the Jeeps : throwback edition 2 for 1 !
*Runnin' up in pretty b*tches constantly,.. the Smals bitch, who da f*ck it was supposed to be !*
Woooohoooooo !!! These were MY JAAAAAMS in the '95 !!!
I just can't believe this is 14 years ago already !!! When Hip-Hop was still hot and Lil' Kim looked like a human !
These two song are, imho, still two of the hottest rap-tunes ever !
Ok, granted, the lyrics were maybe not the deepest, but that flow is SIIIIIICK ! and Lil' Kim was looking hotter than a California Summer Day back than !!!!
I just wish she would go back to the ghetto-princess she was back then, in stead of trying to be "a black barbie"... :(
Crank up tha volume and Enjoy y'all !!!
Woooohoooooo !!! These were MY JAAAAAMS in the '95 !!!
I just can't believe this is 14 years ago already !!! When Hip-Hop was still hot and Lil' Kim looked like a human !
These two song are, imho, still two of the hottest rap-tunes ever !
Ok, granted, the lyrics were maybe not the deepest, but that flow is SIIIIIICK ! and Lil' Kim was looking hotter than a California Summer Day back than !!!!
I just wish she would go back to the ghetto-princess she was back then, in stead of trying to be "a black barbie"... :(
Crank up tha volume and Enjoy y'all !!!
Beats for the Jeeps

Police got an anonymous call Wednesday from someone who raised suspicions about a man who tried to sell him a huge flat screen television out of his beige 1980 Oldsmobile Cutlass in the Wal-Mart parking lot. The witness said the seller told him he had bought the TV for $60 at a flea market and was selling it for only 100$... One 14th of the actual retail price !
Later that day, police stopped the Cutlass after spotting it driving through San Leandro....
In the back of the car, they found a box containing what appeared to be an expensive 37-inch flat-screen television. The television in question was wrapped in packaging material and had installation instructions on the back, a Best Buy price sticker for $1,949 and accompanying electric cables....
Later that day, police stopped the Cutlass after spotting it driving through San Leandro....
In the back of the car, they found a box containing what appeared to be an expensive 37-inch flat-screen television. The television in question was wrapped in packaging material and had installation instructions on the back, a Best Buy price sticker for $1,949 and accompanying electric cables....
After taking a closer look to the item, the police officer discovered that the TV was in actuality a glass oven door cleverly disguised as a TV.
"It was very ingenious," Ballew said. "If you were a bargain hunter, you might think, 'Wow, this is the deal of the day."
Police confiscated the item, but no charges were filed in relation to its attempted sale.
"It was very ingenious," Ballew said. "If you were a bargain hunter, you might think, 'Wow, this is the deal of the day."
Police confiscated the item, but no charges were filed in relation to its attempted sale.
*bwahahahaha* ... some people truly think they playin' us smart ! :-p
Tyra is going "natural"... well... kind off...

This is what Tyra's team had to say about the next season's premiere....
“This season on The Tyra Show we’re taking it to the next level and getting more real than ever before by encouraging women everywhere to own and rock what they’ve got and be proud! For the Season 5 premiere, I will be doing just that - no fake hair, I’m rocking my REAL hair. This will all be going down on September 8, 2009, which we’re declaring National Real Hair Day! We welcome everyone to go natural with me!”
Ok... Going NATURAL she says..... but shouldn't she loose the make-up too then ? and what about the fake eye-lashes, colored contacts, push up bra's, 6 inch heels that make her look taller, etc etc ? :)
*i kid i kid...* Nice initiative Tyra ! <3
5 Golden Rules to happy life !
If you were ever to experience the wonderful privilege to go on a date with El Wonderboy-de-Luxe :) , you should know that there are a couple of things which tremendously annoy me on a daily basis... Some of the dumbest / most annoying / stupid trends in daily modern life...
by Wonderboy :)
1. Foldable bikes...

I don't know why, but i just think they look STUPID ! :) !! Especially when operated by annoying environmentalist-planet-savers who feel the need to take them in the metro (just because "they can") and then block the passage in front of the doors with their "folded bikes"... Please make up your mind... or you go by bike... or you take the metro... but don't come taking up all this space with your foldable sh*t when we are already having difficulties finding a place to put our feet in the metro !
2. Men in White pants

It's the year two-thousand-fucking-nine, who still wears these ? (Unless you're gayer than a Barbara Streisand song...) Unless your fashionally challenged, white pants (ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY'RE IN LINEN) are just dead-azz-wrong ! Let the 90's rest in peace !

I have absolutely nothing against gay couples... or dogs... or even gay dogs... but Gay couples with dogs just annoy the hell out of me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We get it, you're in love, you're committed, you bought a dog together cuz you couldnt have babies, blahblahblah... *barf*(Jack Russels score double annoyance-points !!)
4. Crocs

Anyone over 6 years old... LEAVE THE CROC ALONE !!!! Crocs are responsible for the most hideous fashion trend, since the cut-off jeans shorts !!! I Just can't imagine anyone in his right mind (or who is not blind) would find these attractive !!! I DO NOT care how comfortable they are... you look like a FOOL !!! *amen*...

See !? it ain't hard... Just follow these 5 simple rules...
and i'm sure we'll be the best of friends ! If you have any other annoyances, please feel free to comment :-)
by Wonderboy :)
1. Foldable bikes...

I don't know why, but i just think they look STUPID ! :) !! Especially when operated by annoying environmentalist-planet-savers who feel the need to take them in the metro (just because "they can") and then block the passage in front of the doors with their "folded bikes"... Please make up your mind... or you go by bike... or you take the metro... but don't come taking up all this space with your foldable sh*t when we are already having difficulties finding a place to put our feet in the metro !
2. Men in White pants

It's the year two-thousand-fucking-nine, who still wears these ? (Unless you're gayer than a Barbara Streisand song...) Unless your fashionally challenged, white pants (ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY'RE IN LINEN) are just dead-azz-wrong ! Let the 90's rest in peace !
2. Gay couples with dogs

I have absolutely nothing against gay couples... or dogs... or even gay dogs... but Gay couples with dogs just annoy the hell out of me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We get it, you're in love, you're committed, you bought a dog together cuz you couldnt have babies, blahblahblah... *barf*
4. Crocs

Anyone over 6 years old... LEAVE THE CROC ALONE !!!! Crocs are responsible for the most hideous fashion trend, since the cut-off jeans shorts !!! I Just can't imagine anyone in his right mind (or who is not blind) would find these attractive !!! I DO NOT care how comfortable they are... you look like a FOOL !!! *amen*...
5. People listening to Music on their cell-phone on public transport...

That sh*t just makes me want to take your head and bang it against the subway-window !!!
Why the hell you want to make me mad for ? Nothing more annoying than riding the bus after a long day at work and being forced to listen to some stupid-ass' mobile-music !
Especially since, most of the time, it is BAD music ! Nobody cares what you listen to goddamned, buy yourself some head-phones and leave us decent people in peace !!
See !? it ain't hard... Just follow these 5 simple rules...
and i'm sure we'll be the best of friends ! If you have any other annoyances, please feel free to comment :-)
Ay Caramba !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ay Carambaaaaa !!!!!!!!!! My eyes hurt !!!
I know Jesus died on the cross for ALL of our sins, but THIS FOOL here is taking this shit waaaaaaaaay to far !!!!!!!! wooowie ! lord have mercy !
I don't even know what to comment on first...
The fact that he is wearing lace woman-panties ?
His unfortunate body-shape ?
Those white socks ?
Maybe the sexy-ass blue nipple-clips !?
Or his verrrry sexy and seductive facial expression ? :-)
Maybe i could discuss this splendid interior ? Those teddy-bears hanging lifeless-ly from the wall ! Fool, if you wanna take a picture of yourself,... at least CLEAN UP a little !!!
How is this appealing or sexy to ANY LIVING CREATURE with common sense ?
urgh ! this is just too much for me to handle on a monday morning !!
*steps outside to throw up a little*
Have a wonderweek y'all !
picture source : www.luriddigs.com
Celebrities get old too !
Yesterday i commented on Ginuwine starting to look "old as hell"... But it seems like he's not the only one... !!! today a picture surfaced of LL Cool J, looking like my uncle Freddy !! :-o
And the other day, Michaelk posted pics of Brad Pitt on dlisted.com as well...
The once picture perfect-hunk is starting to look like he's pushing 40-something ! He has some wrinkles around his eyes and the hair is getting "oldier-looking" too !
It's kinda strange to see a Hollywood Celebrity who doesn't look like his skin has been pulled back behind his ears, botoxed and lipo-ed !! I must say, the feeling is kinda "dual"... He obviously is not over-botoxing and in a certain way, it's nice to see him looking "natural" and to know that there are still people who refuse to get nip-tucked to conform to the industry-image...
On the other hand side... I must admit I have probably been brainwashed by Photo-shop-ped magazine covers and tons of make up, cuz it does feel awkard to see a star who looks like "a real life person with flaws and all".... and yes... i do believe he did look better when he was a bit younger ! :) Guess in the end this just proves that beauty will always be temporary !
An other thing I realised by seeing these pics is that i'm getting OLD myself ! Goddaaaaamn' ! All these guys were "stars" in the 90's already when I was "in my childhood"... it just seems weird to see them turning into "mature men" as well....
I wonder if "the younger generation" will feel the same when they'll see Beyonce or Lady Gaga when they will be near 40 !!!!
source http://www.dlisted.com/
And the other day, Michaelk posted pics of Brad Pitt on dlisted.com as well...
The once picture perfect-hunk is starting to look like he's pushing 40-something ! He has some wrinkles around his eyes and the hair is getting "oldier-looking" too !
It's kinda strange to see a Hollywood Celebrity who doesn't look like his skin has been pulled back behind his ears, botoxed and lipo-ed !! I must say, the feeling is kinda "dual"... He obviously is not over-botoxing and in a certain way, it's nice to see him looking "natural" and to know that there are still people who refuse to get nip-tucked to conform to the industry-image...
On the other hand side... I must admit I have probably been brainwashed by Photo-shop-ped magazine covers and tons of make up, cuz it does feel awkard to see a star who looks like "a real life person with flaws and all".... and yes... i do believe he did look better when he was a bit younger ! :) Guess in the end this just proves that beauty will always be temporary !
An other thing I realised by seeing these pics is that i'm getting OLD myself ! Goddaaaaamn' ! All these guys were "stars" in the 90's already when I was "in my childhood"... it just seems weird to see them turning into "mature men" as well....
I wonder if "the younger generation" will feel the same when they'll see Beyonce or Lady Gaga when they will be near 40 !!!!

Panty Creamer of the Day !
Vladislav Doronin !!!!!!!!!!!
*waaaaaaaaaw* -> sigh
LOOK AT HIM !!!! .... AND he's a billionaire !

picture source : www.concreteloop.com

picture source : www.whosdatedwho.com
*waaaaaaaaaw* -> sigh
LOOK AT HIM !!!! .... AND he's a billionaire !

picture source : www.concreteloop.com

picture source : www.whosdatedwho.com
New Music ! Ginuwine and Beyoncé
Damn' Ginuwine lookin' old as hell !!!! :-/
...Ginuwine is still trying to stay relevant and has just released a new video to this song "Trouble"... *urgh...* - don't get me wrong, i was a major Ginuwine-stan during his pony-days... The Timbaland Beats sounded soooo hot and that album was the shiiiiiiiiiit !
But this video... hm... *scratchin' my head*... now don't get me wrong, the song is not baaaaad... but i think he should have come with somethin' harder than that if he really wants to get back to international fame and stardom.... The song is decent, but certainly not buy/downloading material !!! Too bad, cuz he does have a good voice !! Good luck with that G !
And BeyoncĂ© has a new song out as well... it's called "Poison"... and it's featured on DJ Haze’s upcoming R&B mixtape “Big R&B Ego.”... .... ....
It was on here, but you know Daddy knowles went personnally to the Youtube offices and treaten them to sue their asses if they didnt yank it of the net... so no more beyoncé...
anyways... .. Zzzzzzz...zzzzz..zzzzz....zzz..... She bores me ! :)
...Ginuwine is still trying to stay relevant and has just released a new video to this song "Trouble"... *urgh...* - don't get me wrong, i was a major Ginuwine-stan during his pony-days... The Timbaland Beats sounded soooo hot and that album was the shiiiiiiiiiit !
But this video... hm... *scratchin' my head*... now don't get me wrong, the song is not baaaaad... but i think he should have come with somethin' harder than that if he really wants to get back to international fame and stardom.... The song is decent, but certainly not buy/downloading material !!! Too bad, cuz he does have a good voice !! Good luck with that G !
And BeyoncĂ© has a new song out as well... it's called "Poison"... and it's featured on DJ Haze’s upcoming R&B mixtape “Big R&B Ego.”... .... ....
It was on here, but you know Daddy knowles went personnally to the Youtube offices and treaten them to sue their asses if they didnt yank it of the net... so no more beyoncé...
anyways... .. Zzzzzzz...zzzzz..zzzzz....zzz..... She bores me ! :)
Beats for the Jeeps,
When stupid people do Stupid stuff
Urgh !!! this is exactly the type of shit that gets me mad !!!
Why he wanna go and use his basketball ring as a katapult anyway ?!
It was probably a lame-ass idea from his lame-ass friends, and i hope he got that by now !
That'll teach him to act a g*dd*mn fool...
***well-f*cking-done*** !!!
Nia Long sans le belly-button !
Now, I understand it takes a lot of courage to strip butt-naked and get in front of the camera...
But I don't think Nia Long even had to go through that !! It's obvioussss they just took her head and pasted it over some chick's body, photoshopped a pole in between them legs and airbrushed some raggedy-ass-half-ghetto-metro-environment around it !
If you plan on doing something like this... at leas have the guts to do it right !!! ! Don't make them slim your thighs down 4 sizes, cut your waist in half, just erase your belly-button and put some nasty pole between your legs !!! (urgh, can you imagine rubbing your she-woman-area against a bacteria-housing-millions-a-day-sneezing-than-holding-this-pole in the metro ... N-A-S-T-Y !!!)
We all know what a naked woman looks like ... (well kind of.. er er erg! :) ) You know, it's OKAAAAY to have a belly-button ! And to have an actual human-sized body !
Some people take this photo-shop-sh*t way too far !
And what's up with the Stripper-Shoes NIA ? ... (come to think about it... the stripper-pole, the stripper-shoes.. maybe it is a concept after all !) but then again... why would she be wanting to read the newspaper naked in the metro ! ay caramba ! i'm lost ! :-(
I'll give NIA thumbs up for the idea/initiative.... but two thumbs down for execution !
But I don't think Nia Long even had to go through that !! It's obvioussss they just took her head and pasted it over some chick's body, photoshopped a pole in between them legs and airbrushed some raggedy-ass-half-ghetto-metro-environment around it !
If you plan on doing something like this... at leas have the guts to do it right !!! ! Don't make them slim your thighs down 4 sizes, cut your waist in half, just erase your belly-button and put some nasty pole between your legs !!! (urgh, can you imagine rubbing your she-woman-area against a bacteria-housing-millions-a-day-sneezing-than-holding-this-pole in the metro ... N-A-S-T-Y !!!)
We all know what a naked woman looks like ... (well kind of.. er er erg! :) ) You know, it's OKAAAAY to have a belly-button ! And to have an actual human-sized body !
Some people take this photo-shop-sh*t way too far !
And what's up with the Stripper-Shoes NIA ? ... (come to think about it... the stripper-pole, the stripper-shoes.. maybe it is a concept after all !) but then again... why would she be wanting to read the newspaper naked in the metro ! ay caramba ! i'm lost ! :-(
I'll give NIA thumbs up for the idea/initiative.... but two thumbs down for execution !

Panty Creamer of the Day !
To my Caramel Sprinkled Diamond Baby girl Sweet Chocolate Flavored Butterscotch Princess Zee...

One of the sexiest Chelsea Lately interviews with the panty creamer of the day ! :-)
He's sooooooooooo cute ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Panty creamer of the Day
Fashion Victim !

You think this person is someone's dad ???
*buag !*
(P.S. Something seems wrong witht the comments-button, just click the retry-button and it should work fine ! :-p don't forget to tell me what you liiiike !!! use the chatbox, voting-poll or comments-section ! peace :-))
source : pictureisunrelated.com
Bleh !

Mwahahahaha !! FOOL !!!!
Nr. 1 rule when getting a tattoo ... MAKE SURE IT IS SPELLED CORRECTLY !!!!!!
idiiiiiiiiot !
Tattoo gone wrong

What the G***amn F**k ?!
This is so disturbing ! I think i need eye-bleach ! :-/
Imagine you're in the club getting your groove on, you turn around and BAM ! there you are, face-to-face with this nucca with his sh*t hangin' out...
Why he wanna flip out the peen in the middle of the dancefloor sure is a mistery to meeee ! (well... at this kind of party anyways :-p lol)
source : thisisphotobomb.com
Tuts my Barreh !
I know a lot of you have already seen this, but this is just tooooooooo good to pass up !
"i want you to carress me like a tropical priest"....
***blank stare***
Gotta have love for my gay-Koreanos ! :-)
P.S. please pay special attention to the extra-fancy finger-pointing-moves...
"i want you to carress me like a tropical priest"....
***blank stare***
Gotta have love for my gay-Koreanos ! :-)
P.S. please pay special attention to the extra-fancy finger-pointing-moves...
Branding gone wrong !

marketing for dummies...
Tattoo Fail !
Bwahahahahaa !!
this just screams F-A-I-L to me !
Imagine not only losing your loved one, but than having THIS as a last memory !!
If that girl was still alive (rip), she would dropkick his silly ass for this kind of foolishness !!!

this just screams F-A-I-L to me !
Imagine not only losing your loved one, but than having THIS as a last memory !!
If that girl was still alive (rip), she would dropkick his silly ass for this kind of foolishness !!!

Tattoo's gone dead-wrong
Wonder-music !

Letoya's new CD is out ! You can listen to a preview of all the tracks here.
I must admit I haven't listened to all tracks (yes... i have other Wonder-sh*t to do too ! lol)...
But the album sounds more than decent to me ! Her voice sounds good and the vibe remind me of some good old-school r&b like we used to listen to in the 90's !! The only thing i missed where some good club-bangers !!! (most of the album are slow-jams... perfect for da bedroom though !)
Anyways ! I have always liked Letoya, ever since she was in Destiny's Child (i always thought she was the prettiest of them all) and I had been rooting for her since she got kicked out by daddy Knowles !
Glad she's back with a second CD and hope she'll do weeeell !!! Good luck to her ! :)
Glad she's back with a second CD and hope she'll do weeeell !!! Good luck to her ! :)
Beats for the Jeep : throwback edition !
This was my JAM !
Ciara used to be sooooo hot !!!!!!!!!!! and this was thé perfect beat for the jeep ! :)
Ghetto-sexy ...
Beats for the Jeeps
Abstract !
Make love to the Camera..
Crazy Sexual Preferences....

My name is Albert, i'm a 35 yo Single White Male... and i get turned on by doing pretend-sexy-times with plastic dragons... especially when i'm naked and wearing nothing but white socks..."
Say Something nice-challenge !
It's simple - it's easy ! I give you the picture, you give me "something nice to say about these people"...

Hit the comments section and say something nice !
It's simple - it's easy ! I give you the picture, you give me "something nice to say about these people"...

Urgh... i hate everything !
I know these are probably the 80's... But when was this look EVER appropriate ??!?
Hit the comments section and say something nice !
Say Something nice challenge
Youtube Clip of the Day !
Urgh ! I couldn't leave Mr. Frazier out could I ? :-)
Who wouldn't love to meet this guy for some drinks ?!
*she can be as seeeexxyyyy as she wants !* bwahahaha
Who wouldn't love to meet this guy for some drinks ?!
*she can be as seeeexxyyyy as she wants !* bwahahaha
Youtube Clip of the Day...
Trannies need love too !
Spotted at the Amsterdam Gay Pride....

... ... ... *staring at my screen*
well, at least he/she/it thought of matching the wig to the outfit !!! so Congrats' for that !
bweh !
Panty Creamer of the Day !
Let's kick of a new category : The Panty Creamer of the day !!!
* just for your viewing pleasure *
Episode nr. 1. : Shemar Moore, the sexy-ass cop in Criminal Minds !!!!
Dedicated to my cousin AGNES : HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY ! lots of Wonder-love

picture source: theybf.com
* just for your viewing pleasure *
Episode nr. 1. : Shemar Moore, the sexy-ass cop in Criminal Minds !!!!
Dedicated to my cousin AGNES : HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY ! lots of Wonder-love

picture source: theybf.com
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