And the other day, Michaelk posted pics of Brad Pitt on as well...
The once picture perfect-hunk is starting to look like he's pushing 40-something ! He has some wrinkles around his eyes and the hair is getting "oldier-looking" too !
It's kinda strange to see a Hollywood Celebrity who doesn't look like his skin has been pulled back behind his ears, botoxed and lipo-ed !! I must say, the feeling is kinda "dual"... He obviously is not over-botoxing and in a certain way, it's nice to see him looking "natural" and to know that there are still people who refuse to get nip-tucked to conform to the industry-image...
On the other hand side... I must admit I have probably been brainwashed by Photo-shop-ped magazine covers and tons of make up, cuz it does feel awkard to see a star who looks like "a real life person with flaws and all".... and yes... i do believe he did look better when he was a bit younger ! :) Guess in the end this just proves that beauty will always be temporary !
An other thing I realised by seeing these pics is that i'm getting OLD myself ! Goddaaaaamn' ! All these guys were "stars" in the 90's already when I was "in my childhood"... it just seems weird to see them turning into "mature men" as well....
I wonder if "the younger generation" will feel the same when they'll see Beyonce or Lady Gaga when they will be near 40 !!!!

got a problem with bald ? :(